Two days back in SF, I dragged my jet lagged family to the De Young Museum to see paintings rarely seen outside of the Musee d’Orsay. (Last time we were in Paris with the kids, we did not step inside a single museum…thought this would be a good chance for the girls to appreciate some art closer to home.)
I was excited about this exhibit and had made ticket reservations to see it (and the second exhibition from the Musee d’Orsay in the fall) before we left for Japan. I wasn’t really thinking clearly about jet lag. As it was, I wish I had reserved a later time than I did…oh well. (We all had our ‘breakfast’ in the car.)
Overall, I am glad we went to the De Young but I am reminded again why I actually don’t enjoy going to major exhibitions. It is always too crowded! It is not an enjoyable experience. Everyone decides they want to see the ‘show’ and have to see it within a certain time frame. My other pet peeve of major shows…the audio tours - people with huge headphones totally unaware of people around them, hogging up space in front of art works for really long periods.
Anyhow, we head to Yank Sing for lunch. We couldn’t persuade the girls to eat at the museum café. It isn’t hardship, though, eating dim sum – yes what parents suffer for their kids! We decide after our rather large lunch to walk it off at Ghiradelli. It was an absolutely gorgeous day in San Francisco, clear, sunny and 72F. It is good to be back.
May 22, 2010 - September 6, 2010
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